Currently | February 2016

Anticipating...I have another concert coming up in March- Judah & the Lion! LOVE them. Also, March promises to be a fun month. 
Cooking...I subscribed for a free 14-day trial of I've been sticking to the recipes for the two meals I've prepared this week. The first was White Bean and Kale Soup. I wasn't too impressed with this one. But last night's Seared Chicken with Balsamic Braised Mushrooms was the bomb! Next time (and there will be a next time) I make this, I'll photograph and share the recipe. Tonight Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers are on the menu. How do you guys feel about meal planning and how do you do it?
Enjoying...The warmer weather, although warm weather in February means tornadoes in Alabama. I'm just ready for spring...
Feeling...Kinda blah. 4 days of consecutive rain will do that to ya, I guess.
Learning...You shouldn't like a television show on FB if you aren't caught up. You'll get spoilers. I'm looking at you, The Walking Dead.

Reading...Below Stairs by Margaret Powell
Wanting...My hair to GROW. It seems to be at a standstill.
Watching...Watching season 10 of Criminal Minds.

What are you into this month?

52 Lists | Ways to Love Others

Convenient that this prompt is right before Valentine's Day, right?

Bake someone cookies.
Buy the person's coffee that is in line behind you.
Do something without being asked. This can be as simple as washing the dishes or buying someone's lunch without expecting a reward.
Donate things you don't use to someone who will use them.
Write a note telling someone how important they are to you, for no reason.
Send an encouraging card to someone. 
Commit to sharing only positive things on social media.
Say "I'm sorry" when you need to.
LISTEN instead of speaking.
Be affectionate. I don't mean in a creepy way...but hug someone (preferably someone you know).

The best way I know to share love is soo cliche, but treat others as you want to be treated. So think of the way you wish others would act and commit to be the person you want to be around!

52 Lists | What You Are Grateful For

rainy mornings
warm coffee

And so many more things that slipped my mind. What are you grateful for?