Anticipating...Job change. I have accepted my old job back. Yay for seven on/seven off, how I've missed you!
Enjoying...The new found energy and joy I've gained from exercising daily.
Feeling...A little bit sore. Any tips for keeping your knees pain free while dancing and running? They are starting to give me some issues.
Learning...Nothing is too big to ask of God. Tonight's message at church really hit home. My prayer life has really been a struggle over the past couple of years and I need to get it back on track.
Listening...Happiness by needtobreathe. LOVE IT!!!
Reading...Just received my copy of Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson.
Wanting...To have the song "4 Minutes" by Madonna and Justin Timberlake permanently removed from my mind. It's always stuck in my head...WHY!?!
Watching...I'm trying to cut down on my TV. But I'm still binging on Law and Order:SVU.
Has April been a good month for you?