Currently | March 2016

Anticipating...Going to the Body exhibit at the McWane Center with Krystle next week!
Enjoying...The warmth and newness of spring. I always forget how much I love it until it arrives. Of course, the pollen is killer...but so much beauty is out there!
Feeling...Rejuvenated after a walk/run I just did. I achieved my 30 minutes! It's not much but it's something and I'm proud of it.
Learning...To not give up.
Listening...Judah & the Lion's new album, Folk Hop Sound. 

Reading...Mindy Kaling's, Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me?
Wanting...Something sweet. And that would be something I don't need.
Watching...Season 14 of Law and Order: SVU.

What are you liking this March?


  1. I love this! Spring is awesome, but the pollen def is killer! My allergies have been on a ride lately ha! I miss you Jessica!

  2. What is The Body Exhibit?!?!? Whatever it is, I bet you and Krystle will have fun!

    Spring isn't my favorite, but I think that if I lived in the south I'd feel a lot more fondness for it!!!! It's been snowing and hailing here WAYYYYY too much and then flipping right back to temps in the mid 50s. LOL!!!! I'm patiently (and I have been patient this year!!!!) waiting for SUMMMMMER! :)

    Way to get active!!!! You should be proud of that. :)

    That's right! Don't give up. Don't give in. Stay strong in the LORD! Whatever it is...He's got you AND it! :)

    Tell me what YOU think about Kaling's book. Everyone is reading it without me and I'm not sure how I should feel about that.

    Ooooh....Fresh fruit maybe? I had pineapple juice last night and it was SOOOO good!

    Do you watch Grantchester???!?! If you do....Season 2 is airing on PBS right now (I think on Sundays at 9pm EST) and you can view the episodes online on PBS's website!!! :) The first episode JUST came out this week, so that's what we're getting back into!

  3. Woohoo, blog update! Yay for getting outside and exercising! It isn't warm enough for that. It's supposed to be in the 20's tonight. :( SOOOO ready for warmer weather!

    You're 14 seasons in?!?!?!?!? FOURTEEN?!?!?


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