Fifty Two Weeks: Week Five

It's probably week number four that I always de-rail in this process. I even forgot to publish the post I wrote about it last week, oops. The two goals were to set goals and to keep a food journal, which is the one I always struggle with. Well, this time was no different. I made it through one blasted day of food journaling and then I stopped. I stopped everything. I mean, everything. I gave up on my 64 ounces of water, I averaged about 4,000 steps a day, and I didn't journal once.

This time, though, I'm not ready to throw in the towel. I may have failed last week, but tomorrow starts a new week. A week with no mistakes in it (yet).

And that's kind of what week five is all about: Looking at the glass half full, or developing a more optimistic view.

So, in the book, the author suggests using affirmations. I've always felt super weird looking in the mirror and saying "You got this!" to my visibly skeptical reflection. But I've decided to delve a little deeper into the power of them by researching them more and attempting to incorporate them somehow into my life throughout this week.

The second item to work on this week is making daily to do lists. I don't do this now and I honestly waste a pretty large chunk of my time. Hopefully this will help me develop a sense of structure to my days and help me to achieve more throughout this upcoming week.

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