January Goals

Who doesn't love the hope for change a new year brings? As usual, I set a lot of resolutions but I'm going to try breaking them up into smaller, more attainable goals monthly. Here's what I'm working on in January.

faith...Go to church every Sunday; Participate in 21 days of Prayer and Fasting. I really want to focus on my prayer life this month.
finances...Stick to my credit card payoff plan suggested by Mint.com and save $200.
self...Be more positive. Do a random act of kindness.
to read...Read 2 books; 1 fiction and 1 nonfiction.
to cook...I really want to make some homemade potato soup and try a different chicken salad recipe.
health and fitness...No sodas for the entirety of the month. Go to the gym twice a week.
relationships...Be more encouraging.
home...Find a cleaning schedule that works for me. Decide on a color for the dining room and start purchasing painting supplies.

What are your plans and goals for 2017?


  1. Look like great goals. Off to check out Mint.com!

    Have to tried Motivated Moms (https://motivatedmoms.com/ ) for a cleaning schedule? I love it!

    1. I haven't visited Motivated Moms, but I'm off to do so right now! Thanks for reading! :D

  2. Love it! Your goals are simple and realistic, which makes for success. (Can't wait for your dining room makeover, btw! SOO fun!) I recently made a weekly cleaning list that has been working tremendously well for us. Perhaps I could email you a copy?

    1. I know! I'm so excited for the dining room makeover too. I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and go to Lowes and just look around on my off week, this week. Yes, e-mail me the copy, please!

  3. i wish i were as determined as you in personal-goal achievement area. lol.
    i would never stick to a a goal list. i keep telling myself i need to start to exercise

    1. Haha! Well, I'm darn good at making lists. Sticking to them, meh! Gonna try especially hard this year though. I need to start exercising too! Why is it so hard to start??

  4. Did you ever reading "Draw the Circle"??? That one totally changed my prayer life last Fall.

    1. No! I NEED to read it. I have it on my bookshelf. :(


Thanks for reading! Your comments mean a lot to me!