Do you know what can be a real wet blanket on a good day? When someone radiates negativity. Nothing brings my mood down faster than a complainer or a pessimist, someone who sees only the empty half of the glass.
1. Stop complaining. This is a hard one and I struggle with this sooo much. As a teenager, a guy told me "I've never met someone who complains as much as you." Ouch! That was a wake-up call. Who wants to hang out with that girl? What an easy question to answer: nobody. Be more mindful of your words. You don't like this song? Ok, understood, but you don't have to tell someone who does enjoy it. Hate your job? Maybe instead of telling everybody about how much it sucks, look for something else.
“What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.” -Maya Angelou
2. Stop pointing fingers. This is so important. Quit blaming everyone for everything! I'm not saying to become a martyr and take the blame for everything, but stop seeking out blame in others. Even when someone treats you wrong, you have the choice whether or not to play the victim.
3. Stop talking about your problems. Why is it so easy for us to divulge in the negative aspects of our lives and not talk about our joys or things we are thankful for? Make it a habit to talk about the good things, even if it's as small as finding a new favorite latte. And pleeeeease don't speak negatively of yourself.
4. Do nice things for people. They don't have to be huge, gigantic actions. Just take a little time to show kindness to someone. Even better than that? Learn your God-Given gifts and use them to serve others. Here is a handy list of action ideas provided by my church.
5. Surround yourself with happiness. I can't even tell you the difference in my days that I start with nothing but worship music. I've been a big fan of TWD since season one, but I have found myself behind and not wanting to catch up. Want to know why? Because I am incredibly attached to the fictional characters and I started noticing that watching bad thing, after bad thing happening to them was causing me grief. I questioned, why am I spending so much time bringing sadness to myself? So I stopped watching. It may not be The Walking Dead in your life, but I bet there is something negative you need to erase.“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
-1 Peter 4:10-11
There are just a few ways you can change your outlook and your attitude. What is an area of your life that can be improved by being a little more positive?
I totally agree with these! Positive people are so attractive and it's a natural extension that you want to be around them. Good points to remember!
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Negativity is definitely draining. I still need to work on being more positive, every day.